

Check out this AWESOME resource for lesson and activity ideas for any K-12 science instruction!   This link will direct you to the Classroom Resources page on the NGSS Hub.


Each month there is a new list of FREE resources for teachers.


There are videos/resource materials for virtual/in-class instruction on the Coop's Home page.  Click here for the link to the science folder.


This link will direct you to a copy of the Online Resources for Science Laboratories - Remote Teaching.  These resources can also be incorporated into your in-class instruction.  Upon opening the file, you will be instructed to make a copy.

Resources to help with storyline development:


United States Geological Society (USGS) Resources.  

I stumbled on this site while Googling resources for 4th grade earth science lesson resources.  I made a document so the links can be used for any grade level and Earth and Environmental Sciences.   This link will take you to a Google Doc where there are individual links to different pages on the site.